Mar 18, 2009

Why anti-pope Benedict XVI begins Africa visit in Cameroon Genocide of Christians agenda

Why script has anti-pope Benedict XVI, the main actor in the script to complete the destruction of the Catholic Church (1), beginning the visit to Africa in Cameroon:
- to advance the agenda of genocide of Christians. (2)

This is done through the marketing of the  "Islam, religion of peace" agenda, using the "example" of "peaceful coexistence" in Cameroon. (3)

(1) The last of the survivors of Hitler's army, was booked a very special role in the latter parts, particularly in

(2) One of the agendas where Natzinger, aka Benedict XVI, has a key role is the "genocide of Christians".
Reminder of the illuminati script for global genocide, in the initial stages: targets are unborn and unproductive in Illuminatziland while the genocide of Christians  takes place elsewhere, with Muslims responsible for the implementation.

(3) A quarter of the population of Cameroon are Muslims.
Reminder: the law governing societies in which both Muslims and Christians live: the massacre of Christians begins only after Muslims reach a majority of the population between 14 and 60 years.

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